Aarti is the founder of 3A Consulting which she set up when she was based in Singapore. She provides the following consulting and coaching interventions:

  • Working effectively across cultures: Aarti facilitates workshops on doing business in India and South East Asia. She has coached senior executives from multinational corporations like Nestlé, Unilever, Procter & Gamble, Colgate Palmolive and Texas Instruments. These interventions (in groups or one-on-one) enable managers to understand and navigate the complex dynamics of working across cultures. Clients leverage these insights to foster trust and communicate more effectively for enhanced productivity, teamwork and success.
  • Enhancing Cultural Intelligence (CQ): CQ is an important skill set for everyone in our globally connected world. Using the dynamic CQ framework, this intervention helps leaders develop strategies and hone skills to navigate differences of working across cultures, foster a more collaborative and productive work environment and evolve their leadership styles.
  • Debriefing assessments: This involves using best-in-class assessments such as CQ and TIP and debriefing the reports with clients. These conversations serve to highlight what leaders are doing well and what areas they need to work on, in order to successfully transition roles, levels and geographies.
  • Developing e-learning courses: Based on clients’ requirements, 3A Consulting can develop customized e-learning courses on various aspects of cultural nuances, communication and leadership. These courses are interactive, insightful and engaging!